Schoolmaster’s Bookcase

Inspiration Piece
In the Appalachian area it was not that long ago that one room school houses were everywhere. The children would be from grades one through eight together in one room and taught by one teacher – commonly referred to as the schoolmaster. The students would walk from the nearby hills and hollows to attend school. However, when harvest time rolled around the children would work on the farm and miss school.
Books were not given to each student then as they are today. Instead, the pupils would be issued a book from the bookcase for use while in the class room. These important items would be replaced at the end of the day. A special bookcase was usually built to house all the books and keep the rodents from these important learning tools when the school was not in session.
The Schoolmaster’s bookcase I designed has a unique look. I used some native figured woods and traditional joinery to withstand the rigors of daily use. With a historic finish this piece will last for many generations.