
Several generations ago in the Appalachian area a trip to the General Store was necessary to get supplies to survive. But it was also a social trip. Picking up the mail in the General Store and learning the community news was a part of the trip. Many times, a game of checkers was played while catching up on the local gossip.
The checkboard was a portable game that could easily be set up inside next to the stove on a cold day or taken outside on the porch when the weather was good.
Today many checkboards are made using thin veneers overlaid on a manmade surface. However, mine are made to old way with solid native hardwood of contrasting colors. I designed a well to hold the checkers when not on the board. I also designed the game board so it can be turned over and play a multiplayer game similar to checkers. My old fashion board game will last many generations and families will enjoy the simplistic game that does not require batteries.
Scenes from “The Checkerboard” Episode
Make your own checkerboard to enjoy with friends and family.
Build this checkerboard with bonus gameboard on opposite side.
Measures 25″ X 14 5/8″ x 3″