I have often heard “just a hair more” as a measurement term.  I continually respond by asking what color hair?  Everyone knows that a blonde hair is not the same thickness as a red, black or brown hair.  In reality measurements are a source of failure.  Trying to measure a specific size with a tape or ruler, mark it on a board and then “cut to the line” never works.  This scenario gives you three opportunities to make a mistake.  I tell all my students that it is better to mark directly on the board instead of measuring.  But the best way of duplicating a size is to use a stop block instead of measuring.  The next time you reach for a tape or rule think about how you are introducing the opportunity for a mistake.  Minimize the mistakes and your frustration will diminish and your confidence will grow.  So instead of taking off “just a hair” learn how to duplicate parts and cuts.  Then perhaps you can keep all your hairs – no matter what color they are!

Enjoy your shop time!
